Saturday, February 5, 2011

Holiday Bowl / San Diego Adventure

Finally! By getting the pictures from this trip up, I am all caught up with blog posts. YAY!

When the Huskies won the Apple Cup (five blog posts ago), they sealed the deal to go to their first Bowl Game in 8 years. We said all season, if the Huskies made it to a Bowl Game, then we were going. We're so glad they ended up in San Diego!!! The Huskies were picked to lose, but they upset Nebraska on the second day of our trip and set the tone for an AWESOME vacation.

Beautiful San Diego (Solana Beach):

The Holiday Bowl was played at Qualcomm Stadium, the home of the San Diego Chargers:

The HUSKIES upset the Nebraska Cornhuskers!!!

Joey is very excited and cold!!!

The Huskies won, so we went to Sea World....

I told Joey the Starfish was kissing my hand, but he thought I meant he should kiss the starfish! Too Cute!

Shamu Show:

Nana and Papa taking a break at Sea World:

Joey loved the Sesame Street area.

Relaxing by our hotel pool...

The hotel pool had awesome water slides. Josh was so great to take Joey in the pool since it was much colder than it looks...

Sunset out our hotel room window:

Josh wanted to see Petco Park and see the Tony Gwynn statue. He is such a sport nut.

Huntington Beach:

Cute lunch spot near Santa Monica Pier:

Santa Monica Pier in the background:

1 comment:

Rebekah J said...

we have to frame together the pics of Joey looking at the water by the sea wall, and the one of Luka in hawaii doing the same thing. cute.